Transport is a facility extended to the students of the school and is not a matter of right for parents. The school reserves the right to add/alter or withdraw this facility on any of these routes with due notice to the parents. These routes can also be changed in case of repair of the roads by the civic authorities and no advance notice may be given to the students/parents in this regard. Such changes will remain operative till the time when the road is declared open and safe by the authorities. In case a student is delayed in reaching home, the parents should not get panicky but immediately inform the school Reception. No effort for the safety of the student is spared but the school should not be held responsible for any road accident in which the buses may, unfortunately, be involved. The bus service provided may develop snags occasionally and the parents should not think unkindly of the school for such interruptions. Students who avail the bus service facility, in case of discontinuation in the middle of the session, will not get the priviledge again for the calendar year. The transport fee will not be refunded at any stage. Students availing School transport will make payment of transport charge for full session. Kindly note that if a student availing bus service facility wishes to discontinue in midsession, he will have to pay the transport fee for the entire academic year.Indisciplined behavior or whose behavior is harmful to the interest of the school or otherwise will make student ineligible for using school transport.
In case the students are not availing school transport and are using car-pools-private vans, please verify the antecedents of such drivers thoroughly, as the school will not be responsible for the same. Parents are advised in their own interest, to note the vehicle number and retain photo ID of such drivers, with their permanent address proof. Kindly ensure that the vehicle is carrying only the permitted number of students. Please ensure that these vehicles are running on the legally permitted fuel and not on LPG Cylinders. Police verification of the drivers is a must. This also holds applicable in case of accompanying servants/maids. We reiterate that the School will not be responsible for the safety of the students who choose to travel by private transport.